Friday, January 27, 2012

Home Sweet Home (For Now)

Some of you may be wondering what does little Lucas do all day long in the NICU. During our visit today I thought I would document a few of the areas that he frequents. In general Lucas is doing fabulous, he is breathing well, got to move to the feed and grow section of the NICU, no longer has an IV and is taking his feedings pretty well. He is back up to his birth weight but because he is so small they have to progress very slowly with his feedings as to not upset his little stomach. 

 This is wear Lucas spends about 22 hours a day. It is his own personal Isolette complete with heart rate monitor, blood pressure cuff and oxygen saturation readings. He has a few small storage bins for his diapers, beanies and other various supplies. We have tried to tell him to enjoy the storage space because he may have more here than he will at home! The isolette helps block out all the noise so he can direct all of his energy to growing. They say he likes his new home and rarely cries. Mom and dad like how quiet it is in this side of the NICU, but it is pretty difficult to change diapers in an isolette!
 This is the rolling recliner that Mom and Dad get to sit in when they snuggle the baby. It is very comfortable and plus as you can see from the picture.
I love this picture of Lucas and Ashley! I think it is easier to appreciate the size of his hands and head when you see them next to Ash's petite hands. He always looks so peaceful and at home when he is with his Mom, probably due to the fact that he still should be inside of her belly! We are so grateful that he is doing so well and look forward to the day when we can take him home whenever that may be!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pregnancy Progession

Ashley has always taken very good care of herself, this is no new information to anyone who is reading this blog. We thought it would be fun to track the progress of Ash's belly as she drew closer to delivery. We had a fabulous plan of taking pictures of her every two weeks right before we went to church so she would always look her best. The following is the progression of this little girls little belly!

Week 24: The first time we decided to take a picture, possibly due to the fact that prior to this time it was impossible to even tell that she was pregnant. I think in this picture she is pushing out a little :)

Week 26: Rest assured Ashley did not wear this to church this week, pretty sure we were running a little behind and so we took this after church when she had changed into some comfy pants.

Week 28: If you notice our tree looks far superior in week 26, this week it looks a little droopy and dead. Ash still looks fabulous and if you squint you can see that belly.

Week 30: here she is pregnant as can be. Feeling great and proud of her little belly and enjoying the Christmas season with family.

Week 32: First family picture. Lucas decided to make an early entrance on January 14th at 3 in the morning and weighing in at 3 pounds. I am convinced that the reason he chose to come early was because he knew who his mother would be and could not wait to come and be with her. As can be seen in the picture and heard in the NICU the boy has some fight, which is good, all the nurses and doctors know who Lucas is and have heard him when he is not swaddled. It was a sweet experience to hold our son for the first time and feel like a family, Ash was a little upset that when she holds him he quickly falls asleep but when I do he looks up at dad for the whole time. 
 Week 33: After 10 days in the hospital, hundreds of blood pressure checks, blood draws and semi-sleepless nights Ash got her last iv taken out this morning. More important than the hundreds of nurses and doctors were the hundreds of prayers and fasts offered on behalf of our little family. We truly feel blessed by the multitude of tender mercies that have been extended unto us by the goodness of the Lord and have felt his sweet spirit with us on so many different occasions. We look forward to taking home little Lucas in the future and are just glad we have time to purchase a car seat, throw a shower or two, prepare the apartment for his homecoming and buy a diaper or two!